Welcome Vickie!
We are pleased to announce that Vickie Woods is joining the Choice Care Navigators Team. Vickie says: "At the beginning of my career in the Human Services field, I started out assisting individuals with special [...]
Welcome Mika!
Choice Care Navigators welcomes Mika to the team! Mika says: "As a nurse for 20 years, it's been my passion to help people, especially older adults and their families. As my parents are also [...]
Guilford Woman January 2021
Choice Care Navigators is thrilled to be featured in the January 2021 edition of Guilford Woman Magazine! Check it out here: Guilford Woman January 2021
Give Some Grace When Honoring Last Wishes
Everyone should make their end of life wishes known. That is the only way you have any chance of getting what you want. However, making these wishes known still does not guarantee that your end of life [...]
5 Things Every Caregiver Should be Thinking about Right Now
Welcome to caregiving during a pandemic. The new rule? Take all the rules, and throw them out the window. Seriously though, everything has changed in recent weeks. All the normalcy has gone away. We are [...]
Feeling Stressed and Uncertain? Tips for Caregiving
Right now, it can feel like the world is turning upside down. Events are cancelled, plans seem to change every 5 minutes, and no one is certain what is going to happen next. [...]
The Coronavirus and You
You can’t turn on your television or open your favorite newspaper without seeing it. The Coronavirus. Its impacts are far-reaching, from your personal safety to your pocketbook. What is Coronavirus, and how can you keep [...]
How to Avoid Caregiver Guilt
Guilt, the feeling that you have done something wrong and harmed someone else, is a constant for caregivers. Guilt may surface when you cannot honor all the wishes of your loved ones. For example, when [...]
Has Your Life Been Hijacked by Caregiving? How to Cope
“Don’t forget that your kids only grow up once. You don’t want to miss it.” “Work and children will still be there after caring for your parents is over.” If you are a caregiver for [...]
Caregiving Bringing You Down? Look for the Good.
“I just can’t do it. I’m exhausted. My parents always need something. I feel like it never stops.” Stephanie, an accountant who had become a caregiver to her mother and father, was in tears. Her [...]
How to Discuss Aging Parents with your Siblings: 4 tips
The holidays offer opportunities for families to spend quality time together. Often, this extended time enables adult children to see changes in their parents as they go about their daily lives. During this time, I [...]
Thanks for the Help Navigating the Medical System
Did you see the recent praise of Choice Senior Care Navigators in the High Point Enterprise? We are so proud to help families like this everyday. Call us for help with your loved one!
Confused About Palliative Care? You Are Not Alone.
Ruby, age 96, is in poor health. She has a litany of problems, ranging from hearing loss to wounds on her legs that just won’t heal. And yet, Ruby doesn’t have any serious or life-threatening [...]
Caregivers: An Important Part of the Healthcare Team
90 year-old Judy was leaving the hospital with a port in her chest and instructions to have an injection administered via the port every day for 30 days. When the hospital discharge planner asked, “Is [...]
Caregiving Does Not Have to be Scary: 4 Ways to Start Preparing Now
“The problem is no one dies anymore” –Working Daughter by Liz O’Donnell While the quote from O’Donnell’s book may sound harsh, there is truth in it for millions of caregivers out there today. Yes, [...]
Time to See a New Doctor? 7 Tips to Make it Easy
Betty, 96, has to see a new doctor AGAIN. It isn’t that Betty has moved, or that she wants to change doctors. Betty’s doctors keep retiring! And the longer she keeps living, the more likely [...]
Caregivers Need Support. Smart Employers Offer It.
Karen is 44, employed full time, and raising a family. Her mom, Jewel, was living at home alone and fully independent. Everything thing was fine. Then it wasn’t. Karen got the phone call anyone with [...]
Does Caregiving Make You Want to Scream?
Attention all Caregivers! Do you feel caregiving for your parent is a blessing some days, but a burden on others? Do you have days when you cherish the time you spend with your Perennial, [...]
7 Fun Things for Seniors to Do in the Raleigh area
by Ashley Beale Welcome to the Triangle, originally named for the trio of significant research universities of NC State University, Duke University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but perhaps more widely [...]
Are You a Caregiver? The Importance of Knowing.
While this seems like a simple question, many individuals who are providing care for loved ones don’t identify as a “caregiver.” Instead, they simply see themselves as being a good daughter, son, spouse, friend, [...]
Planning for the 3 Stages of Care with your Loved One
When people look to hire a caregiver, they tend to be shortsighted, looking for someone to satisfy immediate needs. But once you enter the world of caregiving, you need to think long-term, as your perennial [...]
Hiring a Caregiver? Important Things to Consider
At least once a week I am asked: “I’m looking for a caregiver to help mom and dad. Do you know anyone?” And while the question may sound innocent, it is anything but. Choosing [...]
Is it a Scam? 3 Ways to Help Avoid Fraud.
Mom: Guess what??! I won a sweepstakes for $1,000,000!!! All I had to do was pay the taxes on it, and they are sending me the check! How great is that?? Daughter: Mom, no…tell [...]
Time to Plan while in the Hospital? Probably not.
Often, I pick up the phone, and there is panic on the other side of the line. “They told us mom was going to be discharged on Tuesday, but now they are sending her home [...]
The Gift of Making your End-of-Life Decisions
In last week’s blog, we explored the struggles that families often face when end-of-life decisions need to be made. I encouraged everyone to have frequent family conversations so that end-of-life decisions don't take such a [...]
Difficult Choices Made with Love
Daily, I encounter families faced with tough decisions about their parents and life-threatening situations. For some, their parents can fully participate in these decisions; for others, the children are left on their own to decide. [...]
Clean Out Your Closets. Your Children will Thank You.
It’s a New Year and everyone is full of new resolutions. But in case you are in need of one, let me help you. CLEAN. OUT. YOUR. CLOSETS. There you go. 52 [...]
The Scary High Cost of Care
Though my work, I have met many women who have taken hours,days, weeks, months, and even years off work to care for an aging parent. Although many of them were glad to have the time [...]
Happy Holiday Fiascos: What to do When Your Parents Need Help.
Like many other businesses, my work picks up around the holiday season. Unlike most businesses, this increased workload has nothing to do with people buying holiday presents. The typical phone call I get goes something [...]
What Do You See When You Look at Me?
Growing up, I had the good fortune to live right next door to my grandparents. Many a day was spent running back and forth between my house and theirs, spending time in their company and [...]
Think Long-Term Care is for You? Wrong.
When individuals think about purchasing Long-Term Care Insurance policies, they are usually thinking about their own future. Rightly so, as such policies are a major factor in planning care because of the financial contribution [...]
Welcome Cheryl!
Choice Senior Care Navigators is pleased to welcome Cheryl Howard, RN to the team! Cheryl says: "As a Registered Nurse of 42 years, I have been very fortunate to have worked with Seniors and [...]
How to Save Your Love and Risk Your Pride: Ride the Scooter
“What do you mean you REFUSE to ride a scooter? You ride a lawn mower all the time! How is this different?” This is my friend, Denise, telling me about a conversation with her husband, [...]
Useful or Scary? How Do You Feel About Cameras and Caregiving?
Laura lives in one city, her daughter, Ann lives in another. Laura requires caregivers to help her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ann arranges these caregivers, and monitors them as best she [...]
Don’t Panic! Easy Ways to Prepare for the Storm.
As I sit at my desk writing this, I’m listening to the wind outside and waiting for a hurricane to arrive at my doorstep. Such events are no small concern, as I have myself, my [...]
The Joy of Professional Help
As a professional geriatric care manager, I sometimes get asked…”Why would someone use a service like yours? Anyone can do what you do.” Part of me wants to be offended by this statement, but the [...]
Can Sun Burns be Good for You? Yes they can.
Back in the spring, I went on a fabulous tropical vacation. Many days of fun in the sun! And yet, that picture you see above? Me. “Enjoying the sun” while wearing a long-sleeve shirt, hat, [...]
Senior Living Bus Tours: The Easy and Stress-free Way to Shop!
Have you ever thought “I might like one of those retirement communities” or “I wish I knew what type of retirement community that is…” but never actually taken a tour? Clients often say things like: [...]
Is it time to move? Don’t wait too long.
Ann called and said “I think it is time for my parents to move to Independent Living.” “Ok” I said, “tell me what is happening with them that makes you think it is time to [...]
Dream or Nightmare: How do you think about Patient Portals?
I recently took my son to the doctor and on the way out the door they handed me a sheet about their patient portal. Ugh. Another doctor, another patient portal. Another user name and password to remember. [...]
Avoiding the Crash: How to Prevent Caregiver Burnout
I recently met with Susan, who was worried about her mom, Rachel. Rachel is the caregiver for 2 perennials (her own mother and her mother-in-law) as well as her disabled adult son. Susan is worried [...]
Welcome Ester!
Choice Senior Care Navigators is proud to welcome Ester Skiff, RN, to the team! From Ester: "Since the 8th grade I wanted to be a nurse. Over the course of my career, I have been [...]
What do you Want? Quality versus Quantity of Life
Are your Parents a Mess? Vol. 2 I stand in the grocery store aisle with a list from my mom. Soda is on the list, and it is on sale buy 2 cases get 3 [...]
Caregiver worry got you down? You are not alone.
Navigating Senior Healthcare- Part 3 Being a caregiver is tough. Dealing with the forms, advocating for your loved one and just trying to keep up with EVERYTHING. The mental and physical workload is draining. I [...]
Need Something Done? Get Ready for One More Form
How to Avoid Senior Care Mistakes, Part 2 Forms. So many forms. Anyone who deals with the healthcare industry on a regular basis knows that the forms are endless. You fill out the forms [...]
How to Avoid Senior Care Mistakes
#1 Don't Always Assume the “Doctor knows best.” That is why we go to the doctor, right? To get the expert opinion. To have her tell us what is wrong and what to do to fix [...]
Are Your Parents a Mess? That’s the New Normal.
I was recently chatting with my friend Jennifer, whose parents live in a retirement community. I asked her, “How are your parents?” Her response? “My parents are a mess, but that’s the new normal.” She [...]
You Never Finish Growing, and That’s a Good Thing
I was recently out to dinner with some friends, chatting about the random happenings in our lives. One of my friends, Julie, is in her mid-fifties and going through an unexpected career change. This has, [...]
Should I Move? 4 Simple Questions to Help You Know.
My aunt called me recently with a question: How do I know when I’m ready for a retirement community? Her question was important because she had just received a call from a community saying that [...]
Exercise or Calamity. What Do You See in the Stairs?
My family just moved into a new house this past fall. We got to have the pleasure (and pain) of designing the house ourselves. It is a lovely two-story house with a basement. Thus, we [...]
Do you think you’re old? Probably not
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! A 2013 Marist poll showed that 45-year-olds think 60-year-olds are OLD. But 70-year-olds think: SPRING CHICKENS. In other words, “old” is in the eye of the beholder. So I decided to [...]
The First Secret
Call our Senior Care Advisors today! Did you know that there are secrets to aging? Want someone to share them? Check out our own Dr. Corinne discussing this, and many more, issues on Rocking Chair [...]
Aging in America
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! A changing attitude toward work is only one cultural shift the USA will need to grapple with as an aging America becomes less of a far-off prediction and more [...]
Welcome Ashley!
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Choice Senior Care Navigators is pleased to welcome Ashley Beale to the Choice Senior Care Navigators Team! Ashley will be leading our Raleigh, NC office. A little bit from [...]
Seniors Want Walkability too
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! A senior population boom is poised to reshape not just the way Americans think of old age, but how developers respond and build for this changing community. Read More [...]
Taking Care of Yourself When You are a Caregiver
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Taking care of yourself is one of the most important — and often the most forgotten — things you can do as a caregiver. Read More Blog post provided [...]
Take Away the Keys, not the Mobility
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! New features of rideshare services let Mom and Dad keep their independence. The average American woman will outlive her ability to drive by 10 years, and men, six years, [...]
5 Best Tips for Aging Alone: How Elder Orphans can Live Well
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Five ideas you need to consider for becoming a happy single retiree. No one sets out to be isolated and alone in retirement, but it can happen to anyone. [...]
Busting the Medicare Myths
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Avoid becoming a victim of what you think you know about Medicare. Nearly everyone over the age of 65 depends on it, but myths and misconceptions around Medicare persist. The government-funded [...]
The Tour of Senior Communities
On Tuesday, October 3rd Choice Senior Care Navigators held its 6th Tour of Senior Communities! Participants had a fun day filled with tours and goodies from 4 local retirement and assisted living communities. The tour [...]
13 Fun Activities for Older Adults
13 Senior Activities To Try Today There are hundreds of different ways that you can get up and get active today. Here are some fun, productive and beneficial activities with proven benefits for both your [...]
Why you should never worry about getting older
This Chart Shows Why You Should Never Worry About Getting Older Some of life’s biggest peaks come in later years. Blog posts provided by Certified Senior Advisors
Let’s End Ageism – TED talk
Let's End Ageism - TED Talk It's not the passage of time that makes it so hard to get older. It's ageism, a prejudice that pits us against our future selves and each other. Ashton [...]
Roommates aren’t just for College Students
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! When you think of roommates, you probably think of people in their 20s and 30s, but there’s a growing trend among Baby Boomers and beyond to find roommates for [...]
The Benefits of Yoga for Older Adults
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Many older adults are afraid that yoga is dangerous or convinced they can’t perform the moves, but research shows that yoga is a great choice for Baby Boomers and [...]
Rural America Faces an Onslaught of Alzheimer’s Disease
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! A recent report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts a significant swelling of the retirement-age population in rural America. States are looking for ways to help. Read the [...]
Tech Revolution Benefits the Aging
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Aging-in-place technology is helping to improve the aging experience for seniors and family caregivers. "Connected" health technology is a godsend for people who want to grow old in their [...]
Demand Increasing for Caregivers in High-Hour Cases
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! In-home care is delivered predominantly by home care agencies who employ caregivers and dispatch them to homes, however, the rising cost has some families privately employing caregivers to save [...]
Are you Intruding if you Monitor your Aging Parents Finances?
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! For most adult children with aging parents, there is that dilemma. You want to honor their independence, but what if they show signs of slipping? This article from Forbes [...]
How to Have Crucial Conversations when your Aging Loved One is Resistant
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today If you are concerned about your loved one being resistant to having crucial conversations with you about end-of-life issues, you might hesitate to bring up the subject. Click here [...]
Simple Tips for Better Balance
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Recent studies point to balance as an indicator for longevity. As we age, our balance and coordination begin to diminish, leading to a higher risk of falls. Four simple exercises [...]
Recommended Reading
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Recommended Reading The Bright Hour By Nina Riggs An Amazon Best Book of June 2017: The poet Nina Riggs was 38 years old and living with her young family [...]
A Better Way to Care for the Dying
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Doctors and caregivers are thinking more about how to handle end-of-life care. Everyone wants to die well. How do we make that happen? Read more from The Economist here.
Self-driving Cars and Seniors
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Nearly 16 million people 65 and older live in communities where public transportation is poor or nonexistent. That number is expected to grow rapidly as baby boomers remain outside [...]
Senior Runs to Raise Money
After Jack Fussell lost his father to the disease and then almost died from an ulcer, he committed to a life of health and giving back. A combination of factors led Jack Fussell, in his [...]
May is Older Americans Month!
Call to talk to one of our Senior Care Advisors today! May is Older Americans Month and this year’s theme is Age Out Loud. Smith Senior Center in Greensboro is ready to help you Age [...]
50 is the New Beginning
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! For many Seniors, retiring at age 50 doesn't mean the end of their career. Instead it means a new beginning for the career they have always wanted. Read more [...]
Why You Need a Good Night’s Sleep
A restful night is important for our health and well-being, yet, as we age, it can be elusive. For most of us, a poor night’s sleep can mean irritability and fogginess the next day. But [...]
Happy Birthday!
Look Who’s Turning 65 March 2—Laraine Newman The comedian, actress, voice artist and writer was part of the original cast of NBC's Saturday Night Live (SNL). After high school, Newman went to Paris to study [...]
Robots as Caregivers
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Around the world, researchers are finding that robots can do many tasks once done only by humans. What’s the solution to the problem of an aging population in a [...]
“Gigs” are Becoming Lifelines for Seniors
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! A small, but rapidly growing, segment of retirees have embraced web-based platforms, from Airbnb to Lyft, to secure extra income in retirement. Read More Here
Building the Anti-Ageism Movement: The Time is Now
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! Only when each of us rejects this culture’s ageist script can we play the roles for which we were born. We all need new training on how to interact [...]
Signs Your Parents May Need Help Managing Their Finances
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Experts say there are signs that children or spouses can watch out for that will help them know when it's time to step in and help an older relative [...]
Seniors Welcome New, Battery-Powered Friends
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Technology will change the way people age in America. In five to seven years, caregiving will shift, and a lot of home automation will become more mainstream. Read More [...]
Stronger Flu Vaccine Available just for Seniors
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Those over 65 are most vulnerable to the flu, so getting a flu shot is critical! One risk factor with the flu is dehydration, which is a serious condition [...]
Meet our Newest Team Member!
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Choice Senior Care Navigators is pleased to introduce our newest team member, Andrea Harmon! Andrea has 17 years of experience working as a social worker in Skilled Long Term [...]
Going to the Emergency Room without Leaving the Living Room
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! Geriatricians have warned for years about the ways in which hospitalization can accelerate older patients’ decline, even when physicians succeed in fixing the medical problem at hand. Click here [...]
Hospital Companions Help Ease Isolation for Older People
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! The hospital will study whether volunteer companionship improves medical outcomes, or at least improves the patient's experience. Click Here to Read More
Why we Must Combat Ageism
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! The graying of America is too often presented as simply a drain on our national resources and an opportunity to pit generations against each other. Click here to Read [...]
10 Ways Tech is Changing How we Age
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! Mobile devices, wearable gadgets, and Internet-based technologies will help older adults age in place while monitoring their health and safety. Click Here to read more
What is Polypharmacy and Why Should We Care?
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! by Dr. Zeshan Mahmood, PharmD Courtesy of Certified Senior Advisors When I was still a Pharmacy technician, I remember a customer named Mrs. Johnson who had been coming to [...]
The Elderfraud Epidemic is Out of Control
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Only 1 in 44 cases of elder financial abuse is ever reported. Many seniors don't report getting ripped off, because they are embarrassed. Read More Post Courtesy of Certified [...]
2016 Influencers in Aging
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! Meet Next Avenue’s 2016 Influencers in Aging. These 50 advocates, researchers, thought leaders, innovators, writers and experts continue to push boundaries and change our understanding of what it means [...]
The Future of Retirement Communities: Walkable and Urban
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Aging in place means a lot more than just a comfortable house. How aging communities, where you can walk or take transit to just about everything you need, are becoming [...]
How Exercise Helps you Age Better
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! The benefits of physical activity for seniors extend beyond just helping them to avoid injury and disability; physical activity may also include faster and stronger recovery after injury. Read [...]
The Dilemmas of Parents Aging at Home
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Forcing an obstinate parent to move can be wrenching. What to do when aging parents insist on staying in the family home even after it has become risky or [...]
Are Baby Boomers and Young Adults Equally Lazy?
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! It's easy to lecture young adults for taking an aisle seat in the road of life. Yet the reality is, many baby boomers are making the exact same choice; [...]
Researchers Confront an Epidemic of Loneliness
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! Studies in both the United States and Britain show the prevalence of loneliness among people older than 60 ranging from 10 percent to 46 percent. This can be a [...]
Age Discrimination and Lost Income Are Hurting Older Workers
Call Our Senior Care Advisors Today! 2.5 million older Americans want a job but don't have one. The economic data documenting the problem is clear. So is one of the most important causes: age discrimination. [...]
Almost a third of Older Adults don’t move enough
Call our Senior Care Advisors Today! 28% of Americans ages 50 and over are inactive—meaning that 31 million adults are moving no more than necessary to perform the most basic functions of daily life. This [...]
Smartphones and Skin Cancer
Call Our Senior Advisors Today! Smartphones can be used to detect skin cancer where high-powered microscopes are unavailable. Dermatologists tested specimens with a smartphone microscope make with a $14 lens, a small piece of plastic, [...]
Live Long and Die Short
Contact our Senior Advisors Today! Live Long, Die Short: A Guide to Authentic Health and Successful Aging, by Dr. Roger Landry, is a call to action: for individuals to live a lifestyle that will give them [...]
Medical Tourism
Call our Senior Advisors Today! Medical tourism, traveling abroad for medical treatment and procedure that are not affordable or available in the U.S., is a fast-growing industry. According to the World Health Organization, the most [...]
Driving and Depression
Call Our Senior Advisors Today! Older Adults who stop driving experience a sharp reduction in their social network and nearly double their risk of depression, according to a study in the Journal of American Geriatrics [...]
Personality Change may be an Early Sign of Dementia
Call our Senior Advisors Today! Mood and behavior changes have long been recognized as early-warning signs of frontotemporal dementia, which accounts for about 10 percent of dementias. Read More
Seniors with Access to Medical Marijuana use Fewer Prescription Drugs
Call our Senior Advisors Today! Physicians wrote significantly fewer prescriptions for painkillers and other medications for elderly and disabled patients who had legal access to medical marijuana, a new study finds. Read More
How to Swap Ageism for Age Pride
Call our Senior Advisors Today! 'This Chair Rocks' author Ashton Applewhite on how to fight age discrimination and re-envision the years ahead. by Marci Alboher Ashton Applewhite is on a mission to dismantle ageism: both [...]
Why Many Baby-Boomers may Struggle in Retirement
Call our Senior Advisors Today! Many boomers think they’ll retire debt-free, but that’s not likely to be their reality. A study from the Pew Research Center, shows that 80% of boomers have debt and the [...]
1 in 5 Alzheimer’s Cases May be Misdiagnosed
Contact our Senior Advisors Today! Alzheimer's disease is often misdiagnosed, possibly causing undue stress for those who don't have the disease but are told they do, and delays in treatment for others, two new studies [...]
Prescription Drug use in Older Adults is harder to detect
Drug use is not limited to the young. More older adults are becoming addicted to powerful pain pills like OxyContin and Percocet to drown out age-related aches and pains, and their overdoses have been rising [...]
Explaining Senior Moments
A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology finds that older people struggle to remember important details because their brains can’t resist the irrelevant “stuff” they soak up subconsciously. As a result, they tend [...]
Groundbreaking Treatment for Strokes being Tested
Did you know that approximately 800,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year? And that approximately half of those individuals end up disabled? Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic are working to change that. Read the [...]
Play Isn’t Just for Kids!
Playgrounds aren’t just for kids anymore. New designs cater to older adults who want to increase their flexibility and balance—as well as have fun. Playgrounds for older adults are starting to mushroom in cities nationwide, [...]
Another Reason to Use Choice Connections
A Place for Mom is being sued for breaking telemarketing regulations. Many families are very frustrated with the numerous phone calls they receive for months after filling out A Place for Mom's online form. Remember, [...]
Recommended Reading
Parkinson’s Disease: 300 Tips for Making Life Easier By Shelley Peterman Schwarz An indispensable resource for patients, families, and caregivers Filled with creative tips and techniques, this updated second edition of Parkinson's Disease: 300 Tips [...]
Seniors and Fraud Protection
Seniors Need to Protect themselves from Fraud We can all be vulnerable to fraud, whether it’s a phone call, a seemingly innocent email that we receive or even surfing the Internet on our computers. It [...]
If I Get Dementia…
On behalf of those who have the disease, a caregiver offers requests for how to treat people with dementia. A woman who works with people with dementia knows how she would want to be treated [...]
Green Houses as an Alternative to Nursing Homes
These small dwellings in residential neighborhoods provide a family environment with individualized care for the same price as an institution. While surveys show that most older people want to live in their homes as they [...]
Aging Stereotypes
According to new research, stereotypical views on aging can negatively affect our hearing and memory skills, according to University of Toronto researchers. In a study of 301 adults ages 56-96, scientists assessed each person's view [...]
May 2016 Tour of Senior Communities
On Wednesday, May 18th we held our semi-annual Tour of Senior Communities event! This fun-filled event featured tours of 4 unique communities in the Greensboro area, breakfast, lunch, door prizes, and LOTS of great information [...]
Older Adults can be at Risk for Dehydration
Decreased fluid intake can exacerbate age-related problems, such as declining kidney function, causing seniors’ health to worsen and sometimes landing them in the hospital. When Walter, 94, got the stomach flu, he became so weak [...]
How Societies Can Grow Old Better
In tribal societies, older adults are valued because they have useful skills. A scholar suggests ways we can appreciate seniors in the modern world. Traditional hunter-gatherer societies treat their elderly better than modern society does [...]
Time to Join the Sharing Economy
Seniors are in a good position to take advantage of this new model, either by finding a “gig” job or sharing their house, car or bicycle —while making money. When it comes to being thrifty [...]
Medicare Facts You Should Know
Time Magazine and Money Magazine teamed up to bring you a GREAT article about the ins and outs of Medicare. There are lots of details that most people don't know! Check it out here!
A Great Radio Show for Anyone Coping with Alzheimer’s or Dementia
If you are familiar with the Diane Rehm show on NPR, you know she does a great show. Recently, she covered the cost of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's. It is an excellent [...]
The Importance of Friendship among Older Adults
by Judith Horstman An active social life for older adults is critical to good health and emotional well-being. Having a social network not only improves quality of life, but it's also good for your brain. [...]
Encore Careers
by Erika Walker Retirement today isn't what it used to be. More and more older adults, including boomers, are choosing to work longer because they enjoy it, or are creating new careers and businesses during [...]
Medicare to Pay for End-of-life Discussions
Under a new law, patients can discuss their medical options and goals in order to make an informed decision on the type of care they want. For the first time, Medicare will pay this year [...]
Finding the Right Care is Confusing
One of the questions that we here at Choice Senior Care Navigators get asked almost everyday goes something like this..."What is the difference between skilled nursing, assisted living, and memory care communities?" If this question [...]
The Senior Games are coming to Greensboro!
The 2016 Senior Games are happening April 5th-May 13th. The games include Olympic style events, such as archery, billiards, bocce, bowling, cornhole, croquet, cycling, golf, swimming, and much more! There will also be a SilverArts [...]
An estimated 44 million men and women are caring for ill or elderly family members. It's not an easy job, nor always a rewarding one, and its challenges can have a ripple effect on other [...]
VA Aid and Attendance
Did you know that the VA offers a benefit that can help pay for in-home-care as well as Assisted Living and Memory Care? They do! Aid & Attendance (A&A) and Housebound Pensions are stipends that [...]
Dementia: One name, but many different illnesses
One of the most common things primary care physicians (PCP) see seniors for is evaluation of cognitive decline. Often PCPs do not refer the patient out, but instead enter a diagnosis of dementia in [...]
TRLA Gives $8600 to Local Charities that Help Seniors
Triad Retirement Living Association, (TRLA), announced its 2016 annual donation recipients. TRLA serves as an educational, referral and networking resource for members and the community regarding senior retirement services. TRLA is an unincorporated association that [...]
Holidays with Loved Ones in a Senior Community
As the holidays approach, don't forget about your loved one in a Senior Community! All Senior Communities welcome family and friends to visit during the holidays, and often have special events going on just to [...]
‘Tis the Season for Medicare Fraud
As soon as the Medicare open enrollment period starts, scammers begin their efforts to steal your identity.The National Council on Aging (July 17, 2015) offers five tips to avoid the most common Medicare scams. 1. [...]
Why Gratitude is Good
by Robert Emmons With Thanksgiving approaching, we’ll all soon be taking time to acknowledge what we’re grateful for. It’s a nice gesture, of course, but why do we do it? What good is gratitude? [...]
Recommended Reading
100 Simple Things You can do to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Age-related Memory Loss by Jean Carper Most people think there is little or nothing you can do to avoid Alzheimer's. But scientists know this [...]
How to Help Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s Enjoy the Holidays
By: The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Communicate concerns. In advance of the holidays, be candid with family and friends about your loved one's condition and your concerns, and enlist their support. In cases where resentment brews [...]
10 Tips for Caregivers during the Holidays
by Amy Goyer, AARP During this busy season, we can be tempted to increase unhealthy behavior — such as drinking more alcohol, eating more sweets, getting less sleep and exercising less. This in turn lowers [...]
Recommended Reading: The Daughter Trap
The Daughter Trap: Taking care of Mom, Dad…and You. By Laurel Kennedy When aging parents need help, they turn to a daughter. This book answers the question "now what?" and helps women successfully juggle [...]
Are You Having Senior Moments?
When a Senior has a memory lapse, it is common to hear them say, “Oh I’m having a senior moment.” This is their nice way of saying, “I’m getting older, and my memory isn’t as [...]

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